Hi! I see this issue has been ongoing for quite literally years now, but recently I've bought a Roku 3910x in hopes of finally bringing my 1979 Sony Trinitron into the 21st century. Well, I did, but when I went to watch 4:3 YouTube videos in the proper display setting, I was promptly disappointed. I don't understand why Roku will happily put in a setting when they don't bother doing it right! In 4:3 mode on an old TV like mine, the menus and everything still looks squished, which gives me the feeling it was rushed and/or an afterthought. I'm glad I only paid $25 for this streaming device, as this does not work as I expected it to. Having easy access to YouTube and streaming in 4:3 on my CRT TV was the main reason I've been looking for one for almost a year now. Wish this would get fixed; maybe more people would buy these if they actually did 100% of what they say they'll do. Disappointed.