I noticed the YouTube app on the Roku has been acting really derpy lately on the Roku 3
It doesn't work or load properly and it only loads when i force it on the remote
Could you PLEASE fix this PRONTO!
You have to take that up with channel provider, Google. They maintain the channel not Roku.
I pay my $65 to them and works perfectly fine on newer Roku models.
I believe YouTube became a bloated mess when Google merged the YouTube app with the YouTube TV app.
The Roku 3 model 4230X is from 2015 and functions with half a gig of RAM. For the majority of Roku apps this still remains fine.
The Roku Express 4K+ (3941) has double the RAM at 1 gig and the Roku Ultra (4670) has four times the RAM at 2 gig. If responsiveness of the YouTube app is critical then I recommend upgrading. I expect the cost of these devices might be slightly discounted during the month of November.
It is up to Alphabet/Google/YouTube if their app for Roku remains responsive on older models and that industry gorilla does not seem to care about us.
The YouTube app does have a "Send feedback" option which links to here:
Maybe filling out that form will help. I have my doubts. The closest thing that YouTube has to a competitor at this point is Nebula (which also has a Roku app) but that costs $5 per month to access. There is little incentive for YouTube to play nice when they largely have a monopoly position in this type of service.
Google has a history of making their apps/channels work poorly on older Rokus. It was the first channel that ever gave me problems with my old Roku 2 XS, and was the reason I finally upgraded the player. I still have it, but it's in a drawer and no longer used. There's nothing Roku can do to make it better. And Google isn't going to care about a device that is now 7-9 years old (depending on which version of Roku 3 you have). Remember, Google sells a competing device, so they'll gladly sell you a Chromecast to improve your YouTube experience.