Cable co. just switched me from boxes to streaming only.
Installed "yourtv yellow" app on my roku no problem.
All channels work fine except for Bally Midwest ch 502.
Channel appears as it should on the menu, but when I select it,
screen says "This content can not be played"
Cable co. has no solution so far.
Sounds to me like Roku software or programing does not recognize channel.
Hello @AB99
We appreciate your contact!
In some cases, removing the channel and then re-installing it may help. To ensure the process is successful, follow the steps below making sure you restart your Roku device before adding the channel again.
- Remove the channel: Highlight the channel tile on your home screen and press the Star button to open the options menu. Select Remove channel and confirm.
- Restart your Roku device: Restart the device from the settings menu. Go to Settings > System > System restart > Restart.
- Re-install the channel: After your Roku device restarts, visit the Roku Channel Store and add the channel again.
Let us know if this works for you!
Performed all action you suggested.
No change
Channel 502, "Bally Sports Midwest" is still the only channel that
states," content not available on this device"
As I said, this is on App "YourTv Yellow" which is the App
used by my local cable provider, "Ralls Tech".
Have 126 channels and all others fine. Cable co has other customers report same issue
This is their app, as supplied to Roku. Roku has no more control over how that app acts than your TV does.
Your cable company needs to address this.
I'll let them know.