i think you mean CNN MSNBC NBC CBS ABC instead. that is where the hate is strong. you mistake truth for hate. I am sad for you.
to be honest I do not watch OAN or Newsmax but they are far superior to the CNN etc etc alternative. I really like NTD which is also on Roku now. it is very honest fair reporting.
LOL. all the Lame Stream channels suck which means all the one's you think are good. I do not watch them and I do not watch OAN or Newsmax either. NTD is a real news channel. not on Pluto TV but is does have it's own app for Roku. very good news channel. CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC all are pitiful excuses full of fake news and hate. you are blind buddy.
Unfortunately for you, you have nothing better to do than to smear and oppose free speech.
You were unable to point out any lies because you lack basic reasoning ability.
Some people need to be controlling because they have no basis for their beliefs.
Alright though you too know how to google I assume. Here is one example. https://www.npr.org/2021/04/30/992534968/newsmax-issues-retraction-and-apology-to-dominion-employee-... Trust me there is quite a huge list. And for those that are ignorant on the definition of free speech. Free speech is our right NOT to have the GOVERNMENT dicate what we can and cannot say (there are exceptions) However when it comes to a business, that business has every right to dictate who they want representing them. If Roku allows known hate speech on their platform that lead to dangerous mobs storming the capital, that is their right. It is also the right of the consumer to say NO. My choice is to try very hard to advocate that Roku or other streaming devices NOT carry these types of fake news. It is one thing to have a network give a viewpoint. It is another to lie to the people who watch it and are no longer able to tell what is true and what isn't. I agree the mainstream news doesn't always get it right, and they do have a bias, but the difference is I have yet to see an example where the network tried to mislead the viewers. When a mistake is made they say so. Unlike these Right Wing Hate programs. You find out about those situations when you read in the news they are being sued and have lost for their lies. It is so bad you have people that blindly believe what they say without looking into it further. Why? Because HATE sells. I hope that answered your question.
Would you like me not to write my question. Hmmm if you said yes then you want your speech to be heard but anyone that disagrees with you you would rather not hear from. I wonder if you see the irony of that. Also please go look up free speech. It has no bearing whatsoever to this conversation> This is a business. On this forum, Roku could say you have no right to say the word PURPLE and as long as they aren't discriminating against anybody, you would have to follow their rules. I want them to stop allowing dangerous hate and lies on their platform. I am a customer and I assume they are interested in their customer's opinions. What is probably true is they care most about the bottom line. While understandable, they probably will not remove these hate programs from their medium unless they are in danger of a max customer departure. Either way, they go they will lose customers. You would like to believe they would do the right thing but the chances are they will factor in which side would cause the least amount of customers to depart. Right now this is very unorganized so you probably have no worries about them removing these news programs although they should. It is clearly bad for the country when these programs are allowed to flat out lie to their viewers. Of course, the viewers have a responsibility to check what is being said. Many do not. Polls show most of their viewers have very little education and are easily led by consipracy theories and a fear of everything that doesn't fit in with they consider normal.
The unique position of streaming is that the viewer is in control of content that he/she wishes to watch and not watch. As long as it can be sourced from the internet, the viewer can stream it. Devices like Roku only make it more convenient. These devices do not provide some special access. Streaming allows a much needed end-around from those who used to control information access.
Bullying tactics like boycotts and advertiser complaint strategies may work with cable companies and the channels they offer/carry, but has less impact in the streaming world.
Generally, if you do not like a particular content, then adviseable to not install the content or watch it. I can confidently assure you the sources of your news content are not currently installed on my devices.
As long as you are Googling (though I recommend a more secure form of engine searching), you probably came across https://nypost.com/2020/01/07/cnn-settles-defamation-suit-with-covington-teen-nick-sandmann/. However, with Google, this may not come up in its results.
It is much better to just allow viewers to enjoy some relaxation and peace while watching their television. These endless battles of telling others what to say, do, watch, believe are very telling of one's nature and tolerance of opposing viewpoints. But you do you and advocate away.
What you consider bullying I consider an attempt to stop HATE from being broadcast on a regular level. That is my right as a consumer and it is the very foundation of what this country is based on...peaceful boycotts. There is zero doubt based on the sheer level of false information promoted from these sites means every single citizen should decide if he/she wants their dollars to support programs that have to lead up to things that cause a danger to our country. Roku is a business. It has decided to ignore that for now. If more people leave their platform perhaps they will reconsider. You have no idea what news sources I follow and you did not find anywhere where I said any news source hasn't reported something inaccurate by mistake. The difference is intent and if you had bothered to see the outcome of that particular situation you mention you will learn what the judge thought of that particular action. I do not believe that CNN reported what they did on purpose. I think they were careless but that does not deem an intent to mislead. And if memory serves they did apologize for what they reported incorrectly. I have never seen the right-wing stations we are discussing that have done that. And again do more research. The particular issue you mentioned was thrown out. https://spectrumnews1.com/ky/louisville/news/2022/07/27/covington-catholic-nicholas-sandmann-defamat...