Still cannot select channels from Roku homepage on Roku 1 and Roku SE. Problem is not solved.
I followed all the suggestions including restart system and even did a factory reset and programmed it from the ground up. Same problem on both units.
Try hiding whatever you can under Settings->Home Screen. Mine started having the problem after "All things food" was added to my Home Screen menu. Hiding it fixed the problem for me.
Try hiding whatever you can under Settings->Home Screen. Mine started having the problem after "All things food" was added to my Home Screen menu. Hiding it fixed the problem for me.
Hiding "What to Watch" allows me to at least watch free live TV. Still cannot select the apps I've paid for or installed on my home page.
I'm glad your suggestion work as well as it did. Thanks!
An update on my dilemma: I can get to some (if not most) of my channels by using the Home Page Search. For instance, if I search for Freevee, it comes up on the list, and I can get to it and use it by selecting it.
Unfortunately, Roku 1 and Roku SE are very limited as to what you can turn off.
As of 1/30/25, I still have no success at selecting an app on the home screen. It just gets stuck on the upper left app (which is Netflix a app that I dont subscribe to. This is occurring on both of My Roku SE units.
Try following @renojim suggestion. It worked for me to the extent that I described above. Read my update to his suggestion as well. So far I'm getting by with his and my method. Good luck! 🍀
can you simply point to this suggestion or provide a direct link to this fix? I clicked on his name and couldnt find the specific information...he has alot of posts. THANK YOU!!!!!
@Cellsitemanager, it's a few posts up, but here's a direct link:
It didn't work for everyone.