Been getting "channel error (91-febe7ad4)" when trying to watch Flashback 80's video channel for 3 or 4 months now. The message says that it "may be an internet connection problem, or contact the channel owner".
All other channels work fine, everything else on the network is fine.
I have removed and re-added the app, updated software, restarted the modem, done a factory reset, nothing works. I have also contacted the channel owner (Sommers Media) through their website contact form, but get no response. I also removed multiple other apps to make sure it isn't a memory issue.
Does anyone know what causes channel error (91-febe7ad4)?
It's possible that the channel is having technical issues or has gone out of business. It is also possible that the channel ran into issues with licensed content and has been removed from being broadcast.
Does anyone know of a replacement channel for Flashback 80's?
I really liked this channel. Sad to see it go.
I just found one called "Memorias".
It's a Spanish language channel but looks promising. It's divided into different categories, "Classical" is the regular vids, it also has "Tropical", "Movies" and "TV Shows" or something like that.
I've only watched a few minutes of it but it may be an OK replacement for Flashback 80's.
THANK YOU! It's a great mix of old 80's videos. So far from Mainstream 80's to Disco and Alternative. I miss the ability to stop, rewind, and fast forward but you can't have everything.