Burrow is trash, much of its content has already been banned on other platforms. By allowing this on it's platform, Roku is mainstreaming extreme right-wing ideology and propaganda.
Which conspiracy theories make Maga feel they have a ‘secret’ and are sanctioned and supported by the Kremlin to achieve ‘communism thru fascism distraction’ while telling the ‘merica crowd that whatever it is afraid of is real or whatever they disapprove of is a grand threat so they don’t realize they are supporting the very thing think they are fighting; instead they’re focused on all but non-existent threats or Nazi inspired tropes disguised as religious dogma. Greatest country/largest sophisticated military on earth but somehow half the country has had a steady stream of intel for years that anyone can find on YouTube. I mean seriously? You think it’s that easy? No, the only way to infiltrate America isn’t but revealing its secrets, but by destabilizing its population. And it’s working Perfectly. To bad there isn’t a vaccine for the disease spread by the red pill. But we all know common sense can’t be bought or manufactured, it must be learned and it doesn’t look like Americans are that smart anymore. In fact that’s an area that we have devolved considerably in, education, putting us behind 50 other countries in terms of population smarts. And they GOP is thrilled. They will have it so everyone is homeschooled or church schooled because when they want to tell you how live, they want to use God to do it. Just like conspiracy, if you believe in God, you can’t argue with what he required and our GOP dreams of a totalitarian theocracy free from monetary scrutiny or governmental interference and regulation, essentially creating the new oligarchy in America, the richest nation on earth. We are the most powerful country in the world and you know what they say about power..it corrupts-absolutely.
Please don't tell me you just fully contradicted everything you are trying to post. Thank you for the clarity and support. Lol
What am I ‘trying’ to post?
You mean like trying to get rid of peoples gas cookers and 15 minute cities, last years conspiracy theory this years facts!
How is it that you are so extremely intelligent and able to discern what is ''misinformation''? Yet the rest of us retards need people like you to dictate what we're allowed to watch.
"Don't believe anything you hear, and only half of what you see.''
Well because basically the rejects that watch this stuff are too stupid to know the difference and then go do stupid stuff like J6.
The same way any conspiracy is sussed out. I look at all the information and don’t sensor my sources based on what I believe. Also, I value statistical probabilities in data, and should be from multiple independent sources. Lastly, I don’t ignore institutions that hold up under (legitimate) scrutiny (think science or education). Also, I look for motives of those corporations, world leaders, and belief institutions involved in politics (religion) searching for trends.
I should add, I use the historic record, like (Trump’s corporations and proven past criminality) to establish motive for public individuals currently attempting to sway public perceptions. I don’t just believe their rhetoric simply because it abuses fear with the goal to elicit my allegiance; I look at their track record [when available] and Trump/Putin/other leader’s geopolitical positions are reliable accessible (public/historical) evidence established over time - i stop at gobbling up easily digested corrupted data (see red pill documentaries) that makes information appear historic. Anyone can string together the garbage ideas and ‘questions’ in these shows. They don’t have to prove it..it’s a conspiracy. They’ve targeted people with psychological tactics who don’t understand and/or aren’t willing/able to do the work required of ‘critical thinking’. Don’t doubt that if billions is spent in the marketing industry using sophisticated psychological manipulation in things like tide commercials that it wouldn’t be used everywhere else and especially in political rhetoric. Unlike critical race theory, critical thinking IS a real term and one you would do well to deploy.