It certainly does on their Devices.
Why do you say that this is solved when the problem remains? Many people have contacted Hulu to no avail. Yes, we can push the arrow over and over to forward, but this problem has made using Roku very unpleasant. Please really fix it.
Thanks for posting here in the Roku Community, @jcwik!
We understand your concerns about the fast-forward feature on the Hulu app, which is impacting your streaming experience.
To resolve this issue, we recommend reaching out to the Hulu Support Center directly to share your feedback regarding the recent changes to the fast-forwarding feature. Please know that the channel providers developed and maintained their app on the Roku platform.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
The Roku Community Team
I don't understand why contacting Hulu again would help since this issue occurs on every app. It is a Roku problem. I have been a loyal Roku user for many years, but will not buy another Roku product.
Thanks for the reply.
We appreciate you sharing your concern regarding the fast-forward button feature on your Roku remote, which does not function as expected. Our team would like to gather more information to assist you further.
To help us better understand the issue, can you please provide the following details below:
With more details, our team can assist you further.
The Roku Community Team
Has anyone tried purchasing a universal remote to see if that would work? The fast forward issue is the same on my iPhone Roku app too.
Thank you for keeping us updated!
I would appreciate it if you could provide the information mentioned above. This will enable us to assist you more effectively with your concerns.
I'll wait for your reply.
The Roku Community Team
Okay, this is the info you want.
Voice Remote Pro
same behavior on iPhone Roku app
It happens on all channels and/or apps.
When you push fast forward instead of going to 2 or 4 or 8 or 16 giving you a variety of speeds to forward, it just starts going forward wildly and cannot be controlled.
I have rebooted tv, rebooted internet, reset the system--all many times. I can do the pushing right arrow hack that goes forward about 10 seconds, but that is annoying.
So please assist me and others by fixing this mess. I will not be purchasing Roku in the future and I have always liked and promoted Roku.
Thanks for the reply! To assist us with the investigation, could you please provide the details listed below:
Once our team has collected the relevant information, we will be in a position to take the necessary steps toward reaching a resolution.
Keep us posted.
The Roku Community Team.
Model 55S455
Serial #X012006KL2XF
Software version 14.1
Roku remote model is still Voice remote Pro
There, now it is your turn to fix it.
I also re paired the remote. Your turn!