How do I disable or stop "Based on your recent searches " row recommendations from Roku Home Screen
Hello, @firethehelp @IROC-ROB Welcome to the Roku Community!
We understand that you would like to disable the Recommended Next Searches feature on your Roku device. As of the moment, we do not currently have the option to remove this feature, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Please know that we have shared your feedback with our team, who are working diligently to find a solution. Your experience matters to us, and we appreciate you reaching out.
This doesn’t fix the issue. When you click search it’s the first thing you see. And my bf and I don’t want to see that. Why is it even there ?? We aren’t watching nude people we don’t want it there.
Hey @Gidget024!
Welcome to the Roku Community!
Thanks for bringing your concern to our attention. I’d love to dive deeper into this. Could you tell me a bit more about the issue? Are you talking about the TOP PICKS showing up on your Roku home screen?
Looking forward to your reply!
The Roku Community Team