I bought the F1 Tv Pro through the app on the roku tv, and only the English language appears, how do I change the language to Spanish?
I hope you're doing well.
Channels on Roku are developed and maintained by the channel developer themselves. We suggest reaching out to F1 TV's customer support team to see if they have any additional settings or options within their channel that may allow the functionality you are looking for.
All the best,
Click OK. And then click on international. Before you can choose language. Now you have keep clicking on international
I click on International, the local language comes from the country where I am, which is Brazil
I hope you're doing well.
Channels on Roku are developed and maintained by the channel developer themselves. We suggest reaching out to F1 TV's customer support team to see if they have any additional settings or options within their channel that may allow the functionality you are looking for.
All the best,
En qué parte del menú puedo encontrar el idioma?, Hice la suscripción de la misma forma a través de Roku, pero no logro ver ningún contenido en español
Hi @Geniel
Thanks for the post.
Please be advised that we only support English in the Roku Community. We had to use google translate to understand your inquiry. Regarding your concern, I'd recommend following my suggestion in my post above.
We appreciate your understanding.
All the best,
@Paulcontr wrote:Click OK. And then click on international. Before you can choose language. Now you have keep clicking on international
You have the * button, then select change language on accessibility and subtitles, audio. Now change it to your language. And click international video on F1.