Did update from secret menu. Fixed thanks.
Home 5 times FF 3 times Rewind 2 times. Update software. Problem gone. Whoever sent the update thanks. Chased this for four days. I had updated about 5 time each time no new update. Either update from menu does not work or I hit it at exactly the right time either way thanks. I really like my RoKu as is offers a much better picture than native tv app. It's the small things.
Did not last, problem returned, worst than ever. Have to log in everytime I open the YouTube App and also if the screen saver comes up. I guess this is just part of Roku joining in on the ever growing number of companies data mining every single nuance of people's viewing habits. If I had want every move I make tracked I would have made adjustments accordingly. They know, it's an improvement they made in the early part of January. The update from the secret menu just reinstalls last update. Nothing new. No improvement. Please keep in mind these companies know they do not have to follow any privacy guideline anymore. So its the wild west on data mining. Only explanation I can come up with. Roku is only device doing this. Why one streaming box makes me login each and every time I really don't know. But Roku does. 4802RW Roku Ultra
Recent advertising patents include one from Roku for customized ad insertion over HDMI. This is a game changer and more than likely reason for recent changes to login. It's not just you logging in. Its Roku. Thanks. First ad insertion I see I'm out. Recommend you make your voices heard about this.
Roku filed a patent application in 2023 for a system that would allow it to display ads over HDMI-connected devices. The patent, titled "HDMI customized ad insertion" (US20230388589A1), would allow Roku to show ads when it detects pauses in video content.
Get it. Good. This is what you are experiencing. The deployment of this technology. Thank for being soooo up front and honest.