I, cannot get EWTN on Roku at this time, nor was I able to get it last night 4/28/20). Other stations are available. And EWTN is available on the internet and on my phone. Seems like Roku is having difficulty streaming this for us. I've been watching EWTN on Roku since last year. One other time, this happened.
Please fix this and let us know why this happens. Thank you.
50 minutes ago, I posted EWTN was down on Roku. It is now up and running! Thank you! Please let the community know what was the problem and how it was fixed. Thank you again.
50 minutes ago, I posted EWTN was down on Roku. It is now up and running! Thank you! Please let the community know what was the problem and how it was fixed. Thank you again.
sorry but you are not telling the truth it is not up and running at all even after removing the channel and reinstalling it. it is finished for some reason and not one can explain why?
Hi @tomsr
Thanks for the post.
We do not have enough details from your original message to make an effective suggestion. Could you tell us more about the issue occurring?
With more information, we can assist you further.
All the best,
Well, I bring up the roku then click on you tube and one of the installed is the EWTN for years I just clicked on it and a selection would come up and I choose ewtn United States but when I click on it, it will not play it keeps going back to the selection screen.
Thanks for the reply.
For clarification, are you accessing EWTN through YouTube? Please let us know as well the troubleshooting you've tried - so we know what steps we should take next.
We'll keep an eye out for your reply.
All the best,
Yes I use it thru you tube on roku. already said what i did,. Thanks
My replies are not getting thru here, i keep getting redirected to roku forum
Ok I think i am back. I made a mistake I dont access it thru you tube, I access it thru Roku that is hooked up to my tv
Anybody home?????