The ESPN channel stopped loading for no apparent reason. I get a message that my program is not available try again later. This has been going on for several days. I'very tried removing and reloading the channel but nothing changes.
I've been through that process several times and nothing changes.
Its important you follow the directions exactly - if you dont first log completely out of the ESPN app, and dont restart your Roku after removing the ESPN app, the reinstall wont work to correct the issues.
Assuming you've fully updated your Roku (Settings/System/System updates/Check now), you'll need to contact ESPN for further help.
Under settings I don't find an Account Information option. I have to assume that I don't have the ESPN app open since I only get the message "Content is not available at this time. Please try again later" when I try to open it.
I am getting exactly the same error yesterday and today."Content is not available at this time. Please try again later".
@phenderson288 wrote:
Under settings I don't find an Account Information option.
Me neither. This is on a Roku Streaming Stick+ Roku device. Perhaps the menu system on a Roku TV does include this - can't check my bedroom Roku TV as my wife is using it.
I had the same error. I also found that Disney + was down. I worked with the Disney+ support team and they were blocking my IP Address. They fixed that and both ESPN+ and Disney+ started working. The fact that ESPN+ was working on my mobile when I was using Cellular Data but not when I used the wifi pointed us in the right direction. Good Luck!
The option to remove app after clicking the * is not available for the ESPN app. I have tried on 2 of the rokus in my house, both by clicking on the app and pressing * and by going to my list of streaming channels.
How can I delete the ESPN app? I can delete all others, but not this one. Please help!
@Rickey3108 you might need to check the software version of the ESPN app. Either way it’s probably an issue with the ESPN servers.
~ Jordan