I've added a PIN required to add YouTube to my Roku device. But the channel is able to be added without requesting a PIN. Any ideas why?
Hiw are you adding the channel?
Last time I checked, PIN is only asked for when adding a channel via the on screen user interface. Adding via the web site bypasses the PIN requirement.
It is being added through the on screen interface.
There was a problem earlier this week where it would accept ANY 4-digits you entered, not just the correct PIN value, when installing a channel. This was corrected a day or two ago. I just checked and, on my system at least, it is working correctly.
Did you just add this PIN or has it been there and working for a while? I'm wondering if you set the PIN via https://my.roku.com/account/pin and chose where it is to be applied, but didn't scroll down and hit the SAVE PREFERENCES button.