The many CTV speciality channels (Life, Home, SciFi, Comedy, etc) do not allow streaming access, they all give the same message, contact TV provider to add these channels. When I contact Shaw/Rogers after several hours and at least 3 customer service agents, their answer is to contact Roku. Any suggestions on how to age access??
According to the CTV page on the Roku apps store, a TV provider is required to view the channel.
If you have a cable/sat subscription, you may have to reverify your account for that channel to stream. Also, some channels may be restricted if you are not on your home network.
Also, it may be dependent on the subscription package you have through cable/sat on whether CTV is available.
Cable-type channels want to be paid. When you have a paid subscription to a "tv provider" service that provides these channels (like your Shaw/Rogers subscription if it includes cable tv not just internet), the channel owners receive their pay out of the subscription fees you pay that provider. If you don't have a subscription that provides these channels, then you are not paying for them.
Many cable-type channels make their content available for streaming on the internet via a streaming version of their service only for those who pay for the channel through a provider as mentioned above. You just need to log into each of their channel apps using your login credentials for that tv provider.
That tv provider doesn't have to be a bloated cable or satellite service however. There are several services you can subscribe to and run on a Roku that may carry the channels you are interested in at a lower cost than you are paying now. Ones that come to mind to check out for any particular channel would include:
... there may be others. I don't know which might be available in Canada and I suspect there may some additional ones only available in Canada.
Do they tell you what to contact Roku about specifically??