I have several Rokus. I see it's possible to look at my devices and see the S/N for each Roku... which is awesome. Does anyone know if it's possible to also find a screen within my Account page to report each Roku's private and public IP?
You can see the private IPs at Settings->System->About or Settings->Network->About. I don't know of any way to view the public IP, although it is available to developers. It should match any other device's public IP on your network.
Oops, I see you want to do it from your Roku account page. I was thinking device "About" page. I don't know of any way to do that. I doubt it's logged by Roku and they really shouldn't as far as I'm concerned.
Right.. Doing it from the account page is the is the trick.
Here's a use case: Assume I have about 200+ Roku's deployed across the country. I want to be able to tell when they are online and what their public/private IP is. This is a situation we're currently dealing with; however we're using AppleTVs managed by JAMF.
Ah, I see. I don't believe Roku will ever have something like that. Their "Guest Mode" seems half-baked at best and they don't seem to have much interest in use by AirBnBs or hotels or anything similar, but you can always suggest a feature:
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