Hey Everybody, I forgot my Email Account Associated with my ROKU & of Course my Password so not sure what to do.
Any help or suggestions would be very much appreciated. You can reach me at paul@acutexusa.com
Thank you Kindly & Be Safe!!
Paul Penalba
If you have a working Roku device go to settings, system, about. Your email will be listed. When you have the email login to https://my.roku.com and click on forgot password. You will get an email with instructions to set a new password.
Thank you for this, however our Old TV stopped working so we bout an Amazon FIRE TV and no longer have a ROKU OR ROKU CONTROLLER. That is sort of my Dilemma. Thing is I keep getting charged $5.99 per Month for a PARAMOUNT #+ SUBSCRIPTION and when I reached out to them directly they said that I was getting charged by Roku.
So that is why I am trying to figure things out with them
Paul Penalba
support.roku.com/contactus then choose 'Questions about my account or billing' on the drop-down menu. Use the account you are using on this forum
... And give them a list of any likely email addresses under which you may have linked your former Roku(s) -- let them know which, if any, are ones to which you no longer have access.