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Streaming Star

Can you define a master Ruko box?

I have 3 Ruko boxes under my account. One of which is in another home. I would like to make one a master so when I make changes on it the others on the same account will reflect the changes.

It that possible?


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Roku Guru

Re: Can you define a master Ruko box?

If all your Roku’s are under the same account then all channels will be the same on each. I own 10 Roku’s under the same account. All have the same channels cause they are linked together. Settings inside each Roku device will be different though

Streaming Star

Re: Can you define a master Ruko box?

Thank you again.

I have one rental home that I have a Roku box in to cover most of the TV needs. I do not want renters to be able to make changes to that box if possible. I would however like to be able to add or remove channels from it from time to time. If I open a new account and assign that box to that account can I change channels from the Roku website? 

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Roku Guru

Re: Can you define a master Ruko box?

Ok now this is entirely different situation. You never mentioned this before. You can always put a PIN in your account. This will prevent anyone from adding channels without knowing the PIN. They can however remove them. There is also guest mode. You’re just full of questions between your Xfinity Veda app and now this. Lol

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Roku Guru

Re: Can you define a master Ruko box?

1/ best setup Roku account (s) for "renter" boxes separate from your own.  You can do this without a credit card, just need different email addresses (easily available for free).  To manage the device, just log into relevant roku account using correct email (use different passwords on each account too).

2/ read up on guest mode.  Maybe set up devices in guest mode before handing keys to renter.

Equipping rentals with Roku TV I get. Devices? Not so much, just invite renters to bring own device and equip TV with HDMI and power extension cables to make plug in easier.

Not a Roku employee
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